
Data Logging

    ✅ FD-600M 

    The FD-600M gas analyzer is able operate and save data to internal memory. The unit comes with a built-in TF Memory Card (512MB) able to store 1,000,000 logs, equivalent to 277 hours at 1 sample/sec. The internal logged data is retrieved by connecting a Type C USB cable to a host computer and viewing the logged *.CSV files, just like one would with an external USB drive.





    💾 Data Logging Tutorial Video

    • Follow this step-by-step tutorial video. No software required and it is FREE.

    ✅ Data Logging Setup

    • Setup parameters on the FD-600M gas analyzer.

     Data Download CSV from Memory

    • Data download via USB Type-C cable to your computer. The analyzer acts as a external drive that allows you to download the *.CSV data files.

    ✅ Export to CSV

    • Export data in CSV file format for easy spreadsheet data manipulation and graphing.