THT gas detector

Tetrahydrothiophene (THT) gas detectors are essential devices for measuring and detecting THT concentrations in the air. With a human odor threshold of 1 part per billion, THT is used as an insecticide, natural gas odorant, and solvent in the chemical industry. Gas detection is crucial, as high concentrations of THT exposure can cause headaches, dizziness, weakness, convulsions, and giddiness, as well as stomach pain, diarrhea, and flu-like symptoms. THT gas detectors are vital for anyone who may be exposed to this gas, including those working in environments where natural gas is present or THT-based products are used. By continuously monitoring the atmosphere and alerting users when THT levels exceed safe thresholds, these detectors help prevent adverse health effects and ensure the safety of workers and the public.



  • Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectors can be purchased for less than $1,000.
  • Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectors alarm when overexposure occurs.
  • Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectors safeguard the environment from excessive exposure to THT gas.
  • Tetrahydrothiophene gas is highly flammable.
  • Tetrahydrothiophene gas is harmful to humans if it is inhaled through the respiratory system or absorbed through the skin.
  • THT gas detectors are not common and expensive

What is the Best Tetrahydrothiophene Gas Detector?

The best Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectors are:

Who Needs a Tetrahydrothiophene Gas Detector?

THT gas is used in natural gas as an odorant, it is used as a solvent for many chemicals and gases, an insecticide, and in other chemical manufacturing purposes. The following individuals will benefit from a THT gas detector:

  • Natural gas technicians and anyone exposed to natural gas
  • Employees working in a chemical plant where THT is used as a solvent
  • Any manufacturing environments where THT is employed or natural gas is used
  • Pest control employees and anyone handling THT based insecticide 

What Do Tetrahydrothiophene Gas Detectors Do? 

Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectors are used to check for the gas in the air and prevent exposure to toxic or harmful gases. They are activated after detecting the gas concentration and send out a warning that may be audible, visible, or occasionally vibratory (mechanical).

Spot checks, restricted access, personal safety, and gas leak detection are just a few of the uses for Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectors, which are multifunctional tools. They can be used as a portable monitor, a stationary monitor, or continuously for long periods of time. 

What is Tetrahydrothiophene?

Tetrahydrothiophene is a five-membered ring made up of four carbon atoms and one sulfur atom with a chemical formula C4H8S. It is a heterocyclic chemical molecule.

It has a powerful, disagreeable odor and is a volatile, clear, colorless liquid. Tetrahydrothiophene, rather than the more prevalent ethanethiol, is occasionally employed as an odorant in natural gas due to its fragrance. It can also be used as an insecticide, a solvent, and a moth repellent. It is a step in the process of creating the solvent sulfolane, which is made when tetrahydrothiophene is oxidized. It also functions as a lithium battery's electrolyte.

Which Sensors can Detect Tetrahydrothiophene Gas?

Electrochemical gas sensors are preferred when detecting C4H8S gas because they are inexpensive, accurate, and can detect Tetrahydrothiophene gas concentrations in the air as low as 1 ppm with the least amount of cross interference. This technology is the best option for part per million highly sensitive measurements.

THT gas sensor

What are other Names exist for Tetrahydrothiophene?

Tetrahydrothiophene also is identified as Thiophene, Tetrahydro-, Thiophane, Thiolane, and Thiacyclopentane. Its chemical formula is C4H8S.

How do you Test for Tetrahydrothiophene Gas?

Three technologies are typically used to detect THT: gas detector tubes, electrochemical gas sensors, and catalytic bead sensors inserted in gas detectors.

Is THT in Natural Gas? 


Natural gas has no smell to it. In order to alert consumers of gas leaks, an odorant is added to it to ensure that it may be recognized by scent. Tetrahydrothiophene is the odorant that is introduced (THT). THT is present in the gas at a quantity of 18 mg/m3. THT is a colorless liquid with a rancid egg odor. It is crucial that this chemical has a low detection threshold. 

What is Tetrahydrothiophene Used For?

For fuel gas and other gases and liquids, Tetrahydrothiophene is employed as a solvent, chemical intermediary, and odorant. It is utilized in a bipyridylium-based herbicidal formulation that functions as an olfactory warning agent to prevent unintentional poisoning. Thiolane, a growth regulator, contains THT. Tetrahydrothiophene also has a role in underground mine smell warning systems for fire safety.

What Does Tetrahydrothiophene Smell Like?

Tetrahydrothiophene has an exceptionally low odor threshold of 1 ppb, is colorless, and has a very distinctive odor. Tetrahydrothiophene can have any of the following identifiable scents: skunk, kerosene, rotten eggs, or lighter fluid. Tetrahydrothiophene-containing products are only offered commercially to industrial clients.

This material needs to be handled and stored properly to protect both human health and the environment because it is flammable, toxic if eaten, inhaled, or comes into contact with skin, irritating to skin and eyes, and damaging to aquatic life with long-lasting effects.

    What is the Odor Threshold for Tetrahydrothiophene? 

    Tetrahydrothiophene has an odor threshold of 1 parts per billion. Tetrahydrothiophene emits a foul smell. After a brief (unspecified) exposure, workers at a facility that produces tetrahydrothiophene reported headache, palpitations, giddiness, nausea, or an overall feeling of being sick.

    Is Tetrahydrothiophene Flammable? 

    Yes, tetrahydrothiophene (THT) is flammable. THT is a colorless liquid with a strong, pungent odor that has a low flash point and a high vapor pressure. This makes it a flammable liquid that can ignite easily and burn rapidly when exposed to an ignition source. It is important to handle THT with care and to follow appropriate safety precautions when working with this chemical.

    Tetrahydrothiophene Detector

    Is Tetrahydrothiophene Harmful? 

    THT may be absorbed via the skin and may have an effect on you when breathed in. Skin and eye irritation may result from THT contact. Repeated exposure can make the skin dry and irritate it. Tetrahydrothiophene exposure at high levels might result in convulsions, giddiness, weakness, dizziness, and headaches. Tetrahydrothiophene can make you feel sick, have diarrhea, and have stomach pain.

    After being exposed to tetrahydrothiophene, several chronic health consequences may develop and endure for months or years. Cancer and reproductive issues are two chronic health impacts.

    Does Tetrahydrothiophene Dissolve in Water?


    In water, Tetrahydrothiophene is insoluble. As a result of this characteristic, it makes an excellent solvent that is utilized in numerous sectors. Gas equipment, transportation pipeline gaskets, and other materials are not corroded by it. In ethanol, ether, benzene, and acetone, THT is miscible.

    Is Tetrahydrothiophene Bad for the Environment?

    Tetrahydrothiophene on its own is not bad for the environment. Tetrahydrothiophene-related environmental problems are not known to have occurred. However, improper treatment or disposal could still pose a threat to the environment. It is well known that THT is toxic to aquatic life.

    Tetrahydrothiophene is an odorant in natural gas, a fuel that burns relatively clean. When using natural gas for energy, less carbon dioxide and almost all other air pollutants are released into the atmosphere than when burning coal or petroleum products to provide the same amount of energy.

    What are the Tetrahydrothiophene Exposure Limits?

    OSHA does not state any PEL or TWA for Tetrahydrothiophene gas. Neither does EPA, NIOSH, nor ACGIH. The only reference for Tetrahydrothiophene gas comes from the German body called the MAK Commission.

    MAK values are derived by the “DFG Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area”, better known as the “MAK Commission”. This independent body has been mandated by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to determine the current state of research relating to the health risks posed by substances and materials used at the workplace, and to advise public authorities accordingly.

    MAK value = 183mg/m3 (50 ppm), peak limitation

    Final Words

    Tetrahydrothiophene (THT) gas is not only extremely flammable but also poses significant health risks to those exposed to high concentrations. THT exposure can lead to headaches, giddiness, weakness, convulsions, and nausea. Gas detection is crucial for protecting workers in various industries from the dangers associated with excessive THT exposure. Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectors continuously monitor the atmosphere, alerting users when THT levels exceed safe thresholds. These detectors are essential tools for ensuring the safety and well-being of employees working in environments where THT is present, such as in natural gas facilities or chemical manufacturing plants. By implementing THT gas detection, companies can mitigate the risks of fire, explosions, and adverse health effects related to tetrahydrothiophene exposure.

      About the Author

      Dr. Kos Galatsis ("Dr.Koz") is the President of FORENSICS DETECTORS, where the company operates from the scenic Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles, California. He is a subject matter expert on gas sensor technology, gas detectors, gas meters, and gas analyzers. He has been designing, building, manufacturing and testing toxic gas detection systems for over 20 years.

      gas detector expert

      Every day is a blessing for Dr. Koz. He loves to help customers solve their unique problems. Dr. Koz also loves spending time with his wife and his three children going to the beach, grilling burgers, and enjoying the outdoors.

      Read more about Forensics Detectors here.

      Phone: +1 424-341-3886

      Tetrahydrothiophene gas detectorTht gas analyzer

      About The Author

      Dr. Kos Galatsis ("Dr. Koz") is the CEO of Forensics Detectors that operates from the scenic Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles, California. He is a subject matter expert on gas sensor technology, gas detectors, gas meters and gas analyzers. He has been designing, building, manufacturing and testing toxic gas detection systems for over 20 years.

      Everyday is a blessing for Dr. Koz. He loves to help customers solve their unique problems. Dr. Koz also loves spending time with his wife and his three children going to the beach, grilling burgers, and enjoying the outdoors.

      Read more about Forensics Detections here.

      Phone: +1 424-341-3886
